This season was filled with a lot of great rugby and because we had so many awesome new recruits there were a lot of spirit trees to give out. These guys earned every single one. Albert, Jase, and Joe anointed the new ruggers with the almighty axe.
- Aaron Jones - Acer rubrum - Red maple
- Adrian Echols - Eucalyptus obliqua - Brown Top Stringbark
- Brian Cort - Juniperus horizontalis - Creeping Juniper
- Darrin McMann - Cercis canadensis - Eastern Redbud (Rosebud)
- Dominic Meyers - Abies grandis - Grand fir
- Dustin Brown - Paulownia Tomentosa - Princesstree
- Ian Carter - Ficus Religiosa - Bodhi Tree
- Justin Clark - Pyrus calleryana - Callery Pear (The Semen Tree)
- Rand DeCastro - Delonix regia - Fire Tree
- Rodney Watts - Populus nigra - Black poplar
- Ryan McHale - Syagrus romanzoffiana - Palm Tree (Queen Palm)
- Sam Wellman - Euonymus atropurpurea - Burning-Bush
- Steven Youkey - Citrus aurantiifolia - You (key) lime
- Tim Meyer - Betula papyrifera - Paperback Birch
- Travis Meuwissen - Casuarina equisetifolia - Ironwood Pines
- Trent Edwards - Camptotheca acuminata Decne - Happy Tree
- Tyler Davis - Pinus albicaulis - Whitebark Pine
- Zac Clark - Quercus alba - White Oak